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Destaques e travessias (Swims & Highlights)

Nota: Todos os textos aparecem primeiro em português e na sequência em inglês. 

Note: All texts appears first in portuguese and  following in english. 

Barão Abilio Couto ( 1924-1998, Ribeirão Preto, Brasil)

Cruzou o Canal da Mancha por 3 vezes, primeiro nadador do mundo a conquistar o melhor tempo do ano nos dos dois sentidos no Canal da Mancha ( 1959, ganhando o prêmio Rolex do Daily Mail, recorde durou 28 anos), primeiro nadador não britânico a vencer o Canal da Mancha nos dois sentidos, ex-recordista mundial do Canal da Mancha( 1959), 4 vezes primeiro colocado geral de provas internacionais da  ILDSF (1961,1963,1967,1973), ex- recordista sul-americano da travessia do Estreito de Gibraltar,  marca de 40.000kms nadados, em cálculo do matemático da Federação espanhola de Natação Enrique Ugarte, alcançando os feitos de Florence Chadwick, sendo publicada matérias em alguns jornais do Brasil e exterior (1965). Em 1966 recebeu a maior honra do esporte brasileiro, a Cruz do Mérito Esportivo concedida pelo então presidente da República Castelo Branco. Em 1995 recebeu o titulo de personalidade do esporte na abertura da 5° Olimpiada do SESI. Criou os primeiros campeonatos de águas abertas no Brasil e trabalhou para popularizar a modalidade. Foi apelidado pela imprensa nacional como o "Pai das Águas Abertas no Brasil" na década de 60. Em 2001 foi introduzido no International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame  nos Estados Unidos por decisão unânime.


Baron Abilio Couto ( 1924-1998, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil)

Sucessfully swum the English Channel three times, first swimmer of the world  to held  the fastest time of the year in both English Channel ways (1959, when he won a Rolex watch from Daily Mail, he held this record from 28 years) , first non-british swimmer to sucessfully cross the English Channel in its two ways, English Channel former world recordholder (1959), 4 times  winner of  ILDSF races( 1961,1963,1967,1973), former south-american recordholder in Strait of Gibraltar´s swim, Couto reached the line of 40.000km of swimming in his career, calculated by Enrique Ugarte, from Spanish Swimming Federation. At time only Couto and Florence Chadwick had that achievement, It was noticed on  brazilian and foreign newspapers (1965). In 1966 Couto was awarded with the Cruz do Merito Esportivo, the highest sport title in Brazil, given by the President, at time, Castelo Branco. In 1995 was awarded by SESI with the title of "Sports Personality". He created the initial open water championships in Brazil and worked in order to open water swimming be a popular sport.  In the 60´s he received the nickname of "Father of open water swimming in Brazil". In 2001 he was inducted into International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame in USA by unanimous decision.

Travessias (List of swims):


Nota importante: Por determinação da extinta CBD que regulava as seleções nacionais do Brasil, para Abilio poder representar o país no exterior ele devia nadar como amador, recusando prêmios e remunerações em dinheiro, como mostra artigos de jornal no item Fotos deste site. Em algumas competições profissionais era permitido ele nadar como amador em outras o regulamento não permitia. Em algumas competições competia como hours concours, e quando vencia o prêmio  era repassado ao segundo colocado. No exterior, dependendo da organização da prova, atletas amadores em provas profissionais não apareciam nos resultados oficiais ou eram ranqueados após o último profissional. Em outros casos apareciam na classificação como "não completaram", "sem registro" ou "desistentes".      ( Mesmo quando completavam).Por sua determinação e por competir sempre como amador, em alguns casos derrotando profissionais, Couto ganhou em 1962 um titulo de Barão, "Barão de Sorano", do principe Alexandre Marie, Duque de La Chastre, descendente dos Deóls, registrado em Roma, Itália, onde no brasão diz "Conservou a virtude de seus antepassados". A CBD em poucas ocasiões custeava as viagens de Couto, tendo ele que dispor de seus recursos para a maior parte de suas travessias.


Important Note: By the rules of the old and closed CBD, body that administrated the national teams in Brazil, Couto was able to represent the Country only if he swam as an amateur, refusing the swim prizes and other payments, as shows the newspapers articles inside this website, at Picures link. Some professional swims he was allowed by the organizators to compete as an amateur , but some others don´t. Some swims he was hours concours and  the prize was given to the second place. Out of Brazil, according to each organization rules, amateur swimmers was not listed in official results or was listed after the last professional swimmer. In some cases, amateur swimmers figured it out as a "retired" swimmer, "time out" or "did not finish".( Even when finished). For Couto´s determination by swimming as amateur and winning the professionals, in 1962 he was awarded from Prince Alexandre Marie, Duc de La Chastre, sucessor of  the Deóls family, with the title of Baron of Sorano, registered in Rome, Italy. Inside the title coat of arms we can read: "Maintained the virtue of his ancestors". The same CBD sometimes helped Couto on his travel and swims , but he had to provide money for most of his swims.


1941- XV  Travessia de São Paulo a nado, Brazil, 22°

1943- 800 metros, Capital versus interior, FPN, DEFE, Brazil, INLAND RECORD

1943- II Volta de Piracicaba a nado, CRP, Brazil, 2°

1944- XVIII Travessia de São Paulo a nado, 24°

1955- Prova Guarujá to São Vicente,Brazil,30 kms, 4°
1956- Prova Guarujá to São Vicente,Brazil,30 kms,1°
1957- Prova Guarujá to São Vicente,Brazil,30 kms,5°

1957- Travessia do Canal de Santos, Brazil, 3°
1957- Capri-Naples, Italy, 30 kms, 12 hrs 56 min ( time out).
1957- Marathon Over-sur-Oise, France, 60kms, 5°
1957- Rari de Nantes, France, 50 kms, 6°
1957- Brighton Pier-to-Pier, England, 15kms, 4°
1957- Windermere swim, England, 10 kms,3°
1957- Dover-to-deal,England,10kms, 2°

1958- 4° Travessia Baia de todos os Santos, Mar Grande a Porto da Barra, Brazil, 16 km, 15°
1958- Over-sur-Oise,France,2°
1958- Rari de Nantes,France,4°
1958- Brighton Pier-to-pier,England, 15kms,2°
1958- Windemere swim,England,10km, 1°
1958- Dover to Deal, England, 10kms, 1°

1958- Capri to Naples, 30 km, ( Withdrew in protest after five swimmers were towed)
1958- English Channel, France to England, 33km, 12hrs 45min, solo swim, third best time of the year, FIRST SOUTH AMERICAN SWIMMER TO BE OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED BY CSA, FORMER SOUTH AMERICAN RECORD including all unofficial south american swims.
1959- Triunfo to Porto Alegre, Jacui River, Brazil, 60kms, 16hs 01min, solo swim, FORMER BRAZILIAN OUT STANDING LONG DISTANCE RECORD

1959- Ilhabella to Caraguatatuba, Brasil, 20 km, solo swim, tryout test, FIRST SWIMMER TO SWIM
1959- Ilhabela to Caraguatatuba, Brazil, 20kms, 2°, 5h 44min
1959- Maraton del Delta, Crovetto to Hispano Club, Maldonado, Argentina, 1°
1959- English Channel, England to France, 33km, 12hs 49min, solo swim, FORMER WORLD RECORD
1959- English Channel, France to England, 33 km, 11h 33min, solo swim, FORMER PANAMERICAN RECORD, best time of the year
1960- Miramar to Mar del Plata , Argentina, 50 or 30 kms ( uncertain), 1°
1960- Calabria to Sicilia, Italy, 2°
1960- Viverone Lake, Italy, 3°
1960- Port Venere, Italy, 3°
1960- Maratona di Sardegna, Italy, 2°
1960- Marathon de Guaymas, Mexico, 42kms, 2°
1960- Canadian National Exhibition Ontario, Canada, 3°

1961- Travessia Mar pequeno ( ida e volta), Naval Clube, São Vicente, Brazil, solo swim
1961- Alexandria Marathon, Egypt, 25 miles, 1°, ILDSF, 12h 59 min
1961- Port Venere, Italy, 1°
1961- Lago de Como, Italy, 1°
1961- Waddenze, Holland, 2°
1962- Lago de Como, Italy, 1°
1962- Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, 1°
1963- Paranoá Lake (Brasilia artificial Lake) , Brazil, from Torto Bridge to Peninsula of Ministers, 25kms, 7hs 17min, solo swim, FIRST SWIMMER TO SWIM
1963- Canadian National Exhibition Professional swimming race, Canada, 15 miles, 3°
1963- Said to Beiruth , Lebanon, 25 miles, 1°, ILDSF, 13h 30 min
1964 or 1965- Lake Michigan, Chicago to Saint Joseph, USA, 2° , 42h 20 min 20s ( checking process )
1965- Strait of Gibraltar, Europe to Africa, 14km, 5hs 52min - solo swim, first brazilian, FORMER SOUTH AMERICAN RECORD,  OLDEST PERSON AT TIME TO SUCESSFULLY SWIM.
1965- Lake Ohrid, Macedonia, 21 miles, 4°
1965- Suez Channel Marathon, Egypt, 25 miles, 3°,  ILDSF
1965- Strait of Bosphorus, Turkey, from Asia (Around Istanbul) to Europe, solo swim 1h 55min
1965- Le Marathon du Saguenay, Canada, 28 miles, 3° ( amateurs did not appear on results sheet)
1965- Quebec Marathon, 10 miles, 4° ( amateurs did not appear on results sheet)
1965- Three Rivers, Canada, 10 miles, 3° ( amateurs did not appear on results sheet)

1965- Ponte dos Praticos to Porchat Island, São Paulo, Brazil, solo swim, 10 km, 1h 20 min

1965- Praia Pitangueiras to Praia Major, São Paulo, Brazil, solo swim, 15 kms, 2h 50 min
1966- Marathon Internacional de Natacion "Travessia de las Playas", Mar del Plata, Argentina, 35kms, 3°
1966- Santa Fe to Coronda, Argentina, 58 kms, 13°, time out.
1966- Lake El Qilla, Santa Fe, Argentina,10 kms, 14°
1966- Hernandarias to Parana, Argentina, 88kms, 8°
1967- Marathon du Saguenay, Canada, 28 miles, 3°
1967- Labath International swim, Canada, 10 miles, 3°
1967- Marathon of Quebec, Canada, 14 miles, 3°
1967- Three Rivers, Canada, 10 miles, 3°
1967- Marathon du Lac Simon, Canada, 16 miles, 2°
1967- Marathon of Hamilton, Canada, 10 miles, 4°
1967- Lake Ohrid, ( Yuguslavia at time) Macedonia, 21 miles, 1°, ILDSF, 14h 00m
1967- Suez Channel,Egypt, 2°
1968- Marathon International de Nage "Terre des Hommes", Canada, 50 laps on Lac des Cygnes, 4°
1968- Salton Sea, USA, 10 miles, 4h 25min, solo swim
1968- Huntigton Beach to Long Beach, USA, 15 miles, 6hs 17 min
1968- Owen Sound, Canada, 15 miles, 6hs 46 min
1968- Catalina Channel, USA,  21 miles, continent to island, 11hs 07 min - solo swim
1969- Marathon of Quebec, Canada, 14 miles, 3°
1969- Hamilton, Canada, 10 miles, 2°
1969- Roberval, Canada, 25 miles, 1° amateur
1969- Saguenay River, between Chicoutimi and Bogotville, 28 miles, 1° amateur
1969- Ultrich Lake, Holland, 13 miles,2°

1970- America´s marathon Swim, Portsmouth to Newport, Rhode Island, USA, 27 miles, 1° amateur
1970- Travessia Crucas Corrientes/Barranquilla, Argentina, 20 kms, 1°
1970- Travessia Venezuela to Aruba, Antilles, Central America, 25 miles, solo swim, 13h 00 m
1970- Travessia Cura Cabrai to Savaneta, Aruba, Central America, 10 miles, 1°
1970- Tokyo Bay, Japan, 10 miles, 4°
1971- Marathon de Los cabos, Mexico, 45km, 1°
1971- Marathon Internacional de Guaymas, Mexico, 42km, 1° amateur
1971- Around the Island Swim, Northfield, USA, 14 miles, 3°
1971- America´s Marathon Swim, Island Park to King´s Park, Newport Harbour, USA, 24 miles, 1°
1971- Le quatorze miles de Pesbiac, Canada,14 miles, 3°
1972- The John E. Fogerty Memorial Distance Swim, Marragansett to Block Island, USA, 40 km , 1°
1973- Lucerna Lake, Swiss, 25 miles, 1°
1973- Lago de Como, Italy, 15kms, 1°
1973- Asswan, Egypt, 25 miles, ILDSF, 1°
1974- Suez Race, Egypt, 18 miles, ILDSF, 6° overall, 1° amateur,
1975- 6th Nile Swimming Marathon, Egypt, 25 miles, ILDSF, 3° overall, 1° amateur, with 51 years old, the last swim of his career ( The result sheet shows 50 miles but an unit error occured. The correct is 50 kilometers).



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